Important website info

A few boring, but important notes on the Investing Sidekick website:

Firstly if you follow my blog with an RSS reader, please note that I am no longer using Feedburner as I expect it to be discontinued. I have moved over to a new feed which you can follow here. Alternatively if you don’t want to get my feed through a third party and would rather get it directly then the address of my feed is

Secondly, I have noticed the speed of the website has been terrible and was shocked to test it and find it took over 10 seconds to load on average! After speaking with my host I have managed to resolve some issues and got the average load time to under 2 seconds so I hope users don’t have any problems with this in future. Thanks to all my readers that have put up with the slow site thus far.

Finally many of you should already know that Google Reader is being discontinued. If you haven’t found a new reader already you will need to find one. I used to use Google reader and have now moved to using Bloglovin to follow blogs. It’s not a well known website but I really like it so thought I’d share it.

Founder of Investing Sidekick. Works as a research analyst and is an avid value investor, always searching for undervalued shares.

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