10 Best Investing Blogs

I try to provide a lot of quality in depth analysis on this blog on individual stocks and also the stock market as a whole. But there are thousands of stocks out there and the macro environment is incredibly complex, so we all need to read a very wide range of sources to become better investors. Here are the 10 best investing blogs that I actively follow. Some are focused on uncovering individual stocks, others are more focused on macro events or investing education. Together they are a must read in my opinion.

10. The Aleph Blog


The Aleph Blog is written by David Merkel, a highly experienced analyst and commentator on the market in general. His blog rarely looks at individual stocks, but has a wealth of information, drawing on his experiences in the market and with a particular focus on risk. Covering topics from investor psychology to macro-economic conditions, David’s blog is both interesting and informative.

9. The Brooklyn Investor


The Brooklyn Investor has been active since 2011, and while the blog covers a lot of individual stocks and company analysis, it is the unique detailed articles that make this blog stand out. For example, articles such as Buffett the Market Timer cover topics and provide insight into areas that few other bloggers venture into.

8. Magic Diligence


While the idea behind Magic Diligence is taken from Joel Greenblatt’s You Can Be A Stock Market Genius, the execution is great. Subscribers receive regular updates about stocks that are leaving and entering the book’s ‘Magic Formula’ Screen which gives a great short-list of potential stocks for investors to go away and research. It was in fact the source of my Ubiquiti idea earlier this year.

7. OTC Adventures


Dave Waters is a professional money manager, and even if you aren’t invested in his fund you can profit from his ideas as he shares the investment theses on his blog. This is the first blog on the best investing blogs list that mainly covers individual stocks and investment ideas, and the insights to be gleamed here are great for both seasoned investors looking for stock ideas and beginners learning the ropes of analyzing a company.

6. Oddball Stocks


Nate Tobik’s Oddball Stocks started out life as a blog focused on finding odd (clue’s in the name), unloved stocks that most investors overlook. While his most detailed investment idea’s now form part of the premium Newsletter, the Oddball blog still has some great articles covering everything from banks to stock valuation.

5. The Red Corner


The red corner is a no frills blog focused entirely on stock ideas. Readers can dive straight in to a wealth of company write ups and ideas from all over the globe, from the US to Taiwan and Macau. If you aren’t familiar with company financial statements now, then you will be when you have finished reading this blog. Red is great at drawing out the key facts of a thesis and presenting it in a way that is easy to grasp.

4. Young Money


This is the newest entry on the best investing blogs list, but don’t let the name fool you. Young Money writes with a great deal of maturity and insight on a range of topics. This blog is great for its original articles, which are always thoroughly researched and cover new ground. I have been impressed by articles such as 25 spinoffs that blew up and Michael Burrys posts on Silicon Investor for the original content.

3. Base Hit Investing


John Huber is a professional fund manager that shares his breadth of knowledge and insight on investing on Base Hit Investing. He is widely known for his comprehensive articles (though probably not as widely as he deserves!) ranging from the teachings of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, to observations on the stock market as a whole. A must read for any investor.

2. Alpha Vulture


For pure investment ideas, I think you will be hard pressed to find a better source than Alpha Vulture. Like the Red Corner, Alpha covers a huge range of international stocks and writes up detailed investment theses on his blog. The tagline says it all – if you are interested in bargains and unloved stocks then this blog is for you.

1. Musings on Markets


If you only read one of these best investing blogs, then it must be Musings on Markets by Aswath Damodaran, a professor of Finance at Stern School of Business. This blog offers the insights of a college professor without costing a penny. Moreover Aswath offers a free online stock valuation course which is great for beginners learning the ropes. His blog has covered high profile company valuations such as Uber, and always generates a lot of interest.

That’s it for my best investment blogs list, I should mention that there are many great blogs that didn’t make this list, but are still worth reading. For my full list of blogs check out my blog roll on the right hand side.

Founder of Investing Sidekick. Works as a research analyst and is an avid value investor, always searching for undervalued shares.

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